The Chronicles of Local Space

A fictional exploration of nearby star systems



More information: Sabrina

The world of Sabrina is the second-closest planet to the sun in the Gliese 667 A system. Gliese 667 A is a K-class orange dwarf star. Sabrina has a solar day that lasts more than twenty-four standard years due to tidal braking.

Colony of Sabrina


The capital and oldest settlement of Sabrina is Burdenhead. This city is located at the western tip of the large southern continent. Unlike most settlements on Sabrina, Burdenhead is not abandoned completely during the decade-long Sabrinese night. Burdenhead is the major seaport for the nomadic population. These port facilities, along with a need for a stable seat of government, require that a sizable population of people remain in the city throughout the decade-long Sabrinese night.


In 3331 the world was settled as a penal colony with the guvverners and their wordens overseeing a population of convicts. Over time, more convicts were forcibly resettled on Sabrina. Many convicts eventually raised families, who were not bound by the sentences of their parents. These descendants of the convicts became a growing population of freedmen. However, these freedmen had little more freedom than the convicts because the guvverners and the wordens were corrupted by the power that they wielded. Over time, the descendents of the guvverners and the wordens came to believe that they were nobility, who were born to rule over the convicts and freedmen. They came to call themselves worden-guvverners, which had a broad meaning of “nobility” and saw themselves as superior to the despised convicts and freedmen.

Meanwhile, the freedmen were denied various rights, such as the right to leave Sabrina and the right to own land. Freedmen were forbidden to own weapons of any kind. Anyone caught owning an illegal weapon was executed, often without the benefit of a fair trial. Other unjust limits on freedom eventually led to an uprising in 3422. This uprising was brutally suppressed and more restrictions were placed on the freedmen. It was now illegal for freedmen to receive combat training, lest another uprising take place.

However, the nature of Sabrina makes such laws difficult to enforce. On Sabrina, the cover of darkness is not a fleeting inconvenience as it is on many other worlds, but is an obscuration lasting about 75 Standard days (alternating with 75 days of dimday) that can allow much illicit activity to take place.


In 3475 forty-four ex-con brigands escaped during transit from one penal camp to another by stealing a well-provisioned oceanship and piloting it to an abandoned settlement on the night side. There they remained for ten weeks, where they resolved to stay out of the hands of the law for as long as they can. Soon they chanced a meeting with another band of nineteen escaped convicts, and fighting took place. Despite their inferior numbers, the smaller band won the fight because they had access to a cache of stolen weapons. The forty-nine survivors of the conflict chose to settle their differences and join forces. They called themselves Darkfighters.

The Darkfighters plotted to overthrow the worden-guvverners but had to work in secret because the worden-guvverners had many more weapons and controlled the access to the nomadic migraton routes. Because the nomadic migrations took place during the Sabrinese day, the Darkfighters were compelled to live away from true daylight and migrated to follow the night.

During the long night, the Darkfighters stole food from the stores of the abandoned settlements and acquired other resources in the same way. They had difficulty acquiring additional weapons so they fashioned their own out of whatever resources they had available.

Over time, the band of Darkfighters slowly grew in number. Sometimes they encountered more escaped convicts, or met up with freedmen. Once, in a dayside raid, they liberated more than a hundred convicts working in a chain-gang on one of the principal highways. These kinds of disruptions mainly took place during the day with bands of Darkfighters living for months at a time on the day side and launching raids of various kinds.

Worden-Guvverners impose martial law

Eventually the Darkfighters saw an opportunity to destabilise the hold of the worden-guvverners when they captured a shipment of weapons en-route from one prison camp to another in late 3482. By then the Darkfighters had won the support of many freedmen, who also desired to rid themselves of the oppression of the worden-guvverners but lacked the means to do so.

The loss of the weapons panicked the worden-guvverners, who declared martial law and enacted tough new regulations under the guise of protecting the safety of the public. Under the regulations imposed under the terms of martial law, they chose to crack down on any activity that they perceived as seditious. This crackdown backfired because it only served to antagonize an already hostile population. Soon the world of Sabrina was at flashpoint. All it required now was a spark.

Sabrinese Revolution

About five months after the imposition of martial law, a nine-year-old freedman girl was found by the police in the street of Burdenhead with a bundle of leaflets that on examination were deemed by the military police to be of a seditious nature. The leaflets were confiscated and after a short trial the girl was condemned to death by hanging, which was not an unusual occurrence at the time for those found guilty of sedition. When the girl was executed, this demonstration of brutality on such a young offender was the spark that ignited the Sabrinese Revolt. In the revolt, the Darkfighters, who by now numbered about ten thousand, led the convicts and freedmen to overthrow and execute the worden-guvverners of the colony and reorganized Sabrina as a free colony in what became known as the New Dawn.


The Seduction of the False Sun

Once, long ago, the two suns were of equal brightness and Sabrina spun much more quickly. Each Sun took their turn to bathe Sabrina in their benevolent rays so that Sabrina was always bright and warm.

One day, while the True Sun slept, the False Sun met a beautiful sky-woman called Atax who seduced the False Sun. The False Sun contrived to slow the spin of Sabrina that he may spend more time with Atax.

The True Sun overslept for 4400 days because he was not woken by the False Sun to take his turn in the sky. Eventually, the True Sun woke. When he saw the False Sun being charmed by Atax he became enraged with jealousy. The True Sun fought the False Sun and won. Having lost the fight, the False Sun became dim and red with shame.

The True Sun is angry with the False Sun to this day. Every day the False Sun still slinks about, not daring to come back and warm Sabrina. Every now and again the False Sun draws close to the True Sun and attempts to apologise, but the True Sun will have none of it and sends the False Sun away again.

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