The Chronicles of Local Space

A fictional exploration of nearby star systems


Key Data

Key data for the planet Lacandia.
Parent Star70 Ophiuchi A
Mean Solar day22 hours 55 minutes 44.0 seconds
Length of year281.70117 local solar days
0.7368346 Earth years
Axial Tilt17° 12.2'
Surface Gravity0.9387 g
Density5.423 g/cm3
Population26 million (3200)


More information: Lacandia

Lacandia’s most unusual feature is its system of bright rings, which are rarely found around terrestrial planets. The world also has three moons, two of which are associated with the ring system.

From the city of Bayton, the rings of Lacandia can be seen as a broad arch that runs along the northern horizon. Bayton is far enough to the south that the innermost parts of the rings lie below the horizon and the winter sun is not obscured by the rings.


The planet was first explored in June 2691. When it was discovered, it was an icebound world covered by a global glacier. Although the world was soon approved for terraforming, it took more than 170 years before terraforming commenced due to other worlds having a higher priority. Terraforming commenced in 2864, was completed in 3042 and the world was approved for settlement in 3059.

The eight ships containing the first 2246 colonists left Earth on 3060 March 6 SCE and arrived at Lacandia 20 days later on 3060 March 26 SCE (LCY 1-1-27). There they settled next to a large bay on the western edge of the largest continent in the southern hemisphere, where they founded the settlement of Bayton.


More information: Lacandian Calendar

The Lacandian Perpetual Calendar has 8 months of 35 days each, with two additional days that do not form a part of the week being Midyear Day and Intercalary Day. The months are numbered. Years are figured from the equinox prior to the founding of the colony, with Year 1, month 1, day 1, time 00000 equal to 17:19:37 on 3060 March 1 SCE and Julian Day 2838763.221956.

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